Past Events

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Calling all trailblazers in the startup world!

8 July 2023

T-Hive, E-Galleria Mall, Hyderabad

Past Events

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🔥 Metaverse - Fireside chat

16th June 2023

T-Hive, E-Galleria Mall, Hyderabad

Past Events

Gaming Weekend E Galleria 1024x1024 1 Jpg, Next Galleria Malls
Gaming Weekend 2023

16th – 18th June 2023

T-Hive, E-Galleria Mall, Hyderabad

Past Events

Jungle Journey Next Premia 768x767 1 Jpg, Next Galleria Malls
Jungle Journey

12 May to 10 June 2023

Next Premia Mall, Hyderabad

Hitech1 Copy, Next Galleria Malls
Memories 1, Next Galleria Malls
Design Jpg, Next Galleria Malls
Shop, Next Galleria Malls
walk abv world

Walk above the world

Iconic skywalk connectivity with the abutting Metro rail station right into the mall.

celebrate connect

Celebrate and connect

Our gathering spaces echo claps and cheers for public events and celebrations.

decor design

Decor and Design

Our larger-than-life atriums welcome you with arms wide open.
Spacious areas, well-light zones, and easily deciphered signages all packed into every Next Galleria Mall.

shop till drop

Shop till you drop

An awesome array of most loved brands awaits you with smiles and open bags. Be
rest assured to bag some awesome deals while with us. 

Visit our malls for a fun day out shopping or catching up with friends at the food court options or relax and unwind with a bag of popcorn and your favorite movie on a large screen. With the ease of access through the adjoining metro stations, our malls are a favorite for everyone and ring in the smiles unanimously.

Hyderabad Next Galleria’s every mall is designed to suit the functions of a mall and its users to perfection. The decor enhances the entertainment experience creating niches that are best captured with smiles and pictures. An enticing wholesome experience of fun, frolic, and joy awaits you at your neighboring L&T malls.

M2, Next Galleria Malls
A walkthrough trailer of our space would only be a part of the awesomeness that’s actually on offer. Visit us soon to experience the mall’s shopping and entertainment offerings.